Sunday 27 July 2014

What's In My Travel Makeup Bag!

Hello everybody! So I'm going on holiday in 11 days and I'm crazily excited. I've started to plan what kind of things I want to take with me and I thought I'd tell you all what I'm planning to bring with me make-up wise as I love reading these posts myself! 
To start off the bag I'm putting my make-up into is this gorgeous orange and pink waterproof (which is vital so spillages can be cleaned easily) number 7 bag that I got for Christmas a few years ago. It has 3 compartments; a transparent compartment which is great as I have put the majority of my make-up in it and I can see all the products so I can get them out easily, a mesh orange pouch that can be removed (as it had poppers) and this is such a good feature as you can use this as a little make-up bag you can carry around in your bag whilst you're away and finally an open compartment with a little pouch which I've put slightly larger things in that wouldn't fit anywhere else or were a bit miscellaneous. I am storing my brushes in a Cath Kidston brush roll which unfortunately I don't think is being sold any more despite how beautiful it is but I think they have released a new smaller version with brushes included. For me a brush roll is essential for travel so they don't get ruined and it is also very convenient as they are all stored in one place

I wanted to bring a minimal amount of lipsticks on this trip that would work for all occasions and I think these 3 fit that as they all work amazingly on their own and give a completely different look but they also work together really nicely.

Rest of the make-up and miscellaneous products: 
♡ Hair Bands & Clips
When packing make-up it can be difficult to travel light so I decided to go for only one base so I included only one foundation, one powder ext. (apart from concealer which I am planing to bring two as I use them for different things!) and then I could change the looks daily with the eye-shadow pallet as with the naked pallet you can go from a really subtle look to a really bold look.

(left to right)
Urban Decay Shadow Brush (Comes with the 1st naked pallet for free!)
Mac 275
I love using way too many make-up brushes at the same time so it was so hard to narrow it down to a few so I decided to go back to basics and only pack brushes I *need* so I chose one brush for everything and then a few extras for eyes because that's the part I can't not use a tonne of brushes on.
I hope this was somewhat helpful?!?

I'll speak to you all soon,
Sarah x

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