Tuesday 15 July 2014

My Current Skin Care Routine

 I have slightly oily blemish prone skin and I have suffered with acne (or spots) for around 6 years so the products I mention are targeted around that area. My skin has got hugely better (still not perfect though) from using these products. This skincare routine works for me but of course it may not work for you as everyone is slightly different.

L'Oreal Paris Skin Perfecting 3 in 1 Purifying Micellar Solution - RRP: £4.99
This stuff is insane! This is what I use to remove my make-up and it's worked wonders. I used to cleanse my make-up off but now I realise that doing that wasn't the best thing ever because it definitely didn't remove all my make up therefore my breakouts were more frequent. This removes all my make-up (even waterproof mascara but it does take a little longer) and leaves my skin feeling super clean and refreshed and my breakout have become so much less frequent and not nearly as bad and I think this is one of the main reasons for that. To a extent it sticks to it's claim 'unclogs pores and removes impurities' but it doesn't really remove blackheads, a facial scrub is still needed for those pesky things. All the other claims I 110% believe. I use cotton pads to use this which also gives a slightly deeper clean. You can purchase this here.

Purifying Palmarosa Daily Moisture: RRP - £23.75
I have previously talked about Neals Yard Remedies here so you can check that out if you want. I apply this to my skin every night and most mornings. This is a bog standard moisturiser but is specifically targeted at combination/ oily skin. Even if you do have oily skin it is so important to moisturise or your skin will produce even more oils. This moisturiser is so light and sinks right into the skin. You can purchase this moisturiser here.

Germolene - RRP: £2.19
This is the remains of probably my 3rd tube or Germolene. This to me is holy grail. I may be wrong but I briefly remember in science being taught that spots contain pathogens (and if I also remember that correctly it is something to do with cells that cause illnesses like the flu etc) So basically they are made up of pretty crappy harmful stuff which is why I love using an antiseptic cream as I feel like it kills off spots before they get a chance to appear or if they do appear it at least makes them sanitary. I may be talking complete rubbish but regardless this does wonders to my skin and is so moisturising as well. I would highly recommend this to anyone especially if you're on a budget as it is insanely cheep! You can purchase this antiseptic cream here.

Clarifying Mahonia Skin Gel: RRP - £16.50
This is the shizz! its basically a organic spot gel that actually works! I find lots of products that target individual spots actually make the problem worse but this is insane. It gets rid of spots that usually last a week in the space of around 3 days which is amazing in comparison and sometimes it takes even less time and once you get around the funky smell this product in my opinion has no flaws (it also has a nifty pump which is great for getting the right amount of product).You can purchase this here.

Then every 2-3 days I use the following Products:

Palmarosa Facial Wash: RRP - £15.50
Not gonna lie this face wash is mediocre. I say this because it does the job and doesn't break me out but it doesn't work 'wonders' on my skin. The only reason I still use it is because it is the only face wash yet to break me out but I do feel like I really need a face wash in my routine somewhere. I'm still on the hunt for another so any recommendations would be fab! You can purchase this face wash  here.

Soap & Glory Scrubatomic Face Polish - RRP: £9.00
If I could use one facial scrub for the rest of my life it would be this. I personally wouldn't use this daily as the instructions suggest but it's great for use every 2-3 day. Its so gentle on the skin and removes all nasties like dead skin and most blackheads. This has never broken me out in spots like quite a few other scrubs have but I will mention again, personally not for everyday use or your skin may react badly. This makes my skin feel so refreshed after using it. You can purchase this facial scrub here.

I'll speak to you all soon,
Sarah x

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