Tuesday 2 September 2014

Summer Time Sadness

So it's the start of September which means Summer has been snatched out of our hands within a blink of an eye and the chilly months are fast approaching! This brings a great deal of sadness to me as it means my outrageously long summer of almost 3 months is basically over with which means no more; Sunny beach days out, reading books in the garden, lighter evenings, camp-fires, daisy chain making and the list goes on.
To lift everyone else's spirit instead of just mine I thought I'd make a list of everything exciting that Autumn and Winter bring to us.
 Hot chocolate/ an excuse to drink hot beverages all the time
 Layering clothes
 Cosing up with lots of blankets and having movie nights
♡ Winter coats - for me this is a big deal as I have an emotional attachment to my parker...
♡ Cold mornings where you get excited about seeing your breath and in my case pretending to be a dragon
♡ Walking on grass that has been frosted over
♡ Autumn leaf piles and running through them - about as far as my sporting life goes
 Huge cosy scarves
 Smokey eyes/ dark lips
 Walks in the woods
 Snowball fights/ building snowmen
I hope this has made you feel a little less saddened by the sunny weather leaving us although Autumn and Winter are my favourite seasons.

I'll speak to you all soon,
Sarah x

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