Tuesday 30 December 2014

Here's to 2015

With every single year that flashes past my eyes I always think that it cannot get better than the last. At this time of year I'm always sat reflecting on how happy and grateful I am for having such a lucky life. I am surrounded by friends and family I adore, and I'm healthy and happy and also had the most amazing memories. I couldn't ask for more.
It genuinely terrifies me every single year on what's going to happen next but now I'm not so scared. Last year it was the worries of exams and college but now I have achieved those goals I have experienced how much I am in control of my life however obvious that may sound to you. Life is easy if you don't complicate it. If you want good grades you go out there and revise. If you want closer friendship bonds you go out and make the effort. I understand it's not always as easy as that. Problems get in the way sometimes and we have all had more than our fair share. But that's life.
If you eliminate the bad things you can make your 2015 a year to remember and it's all in your control.
My 2014 new years resolution was to not drink Coca Cola for a year which I actually managed to achieve *round of applause*. This year I want to set a  few realistic goals:
 Firstly I want to at least write 2 blog posts a month (I feel super bad for the lack of posts recently) because I do really enjoy it but finding the time can sometimes be difficult.
♡ Another being closing my friendships because I realise how lucky I am to have such amazing people in my life and I don't want to take anything for granted.
♡ Thirdly I want to try and get healthier... I know what you're probably thinking "wow Sarah that's going to last long" but this year I really want to try and achieve this. It's not to do with wanting to lose weight as that's not what I necessarily think being healthy is about, I just want to feel energised and not so sluggish all of the time and when I do work out I always feel a difference.
I wish you all a healthy and happy 2015!

I will speak to you all soon,
Sarah x

Sunday 28 December 2014

What I Got For Christmas 2014

Firstly I am of course am going to put the disclaimer forward that this post is not me bragging what so ever! I feel so lucky to have been gifted these things and they are my favourite thing to read posts or watch videos about so I thought maybe some of you guys would want to see what I was given for Christmas this year. I'm just going to feature presents given to me by my family but my friends also got me so really lovely gifts but I was silly and forgot to take photos of them before I started using them but I am super grateful for those too. Secondly I'm sorry for being a bit a-wall from this blog at the minuet, I've been super busy but I'm planning to start posting here frequently again :). 

Yet again I want to mention how grateful I feel and I hope you all had the best Christmas ever!

I will speak to you all soon,
Sarah x